Episode 5

Published on:

2nd Apr 2024

The Plan

Imagine walking into an art gallery. The first painting you see is one person showing compassion on another, the next picture was one person showing mercy to another, the next, one was listening while the other cried, the strange thing about the paintings was their faces were blurry, as you went from picture to picture you were captivated. It appeared as if there was a story being told. With each painting you moved slower and slower, you wondered who were the two individuals, you finally come to the end. The two people are embracing, one is crying, Your eyes grow wider because now you could see their faces. You lean in for a closer look, the recipient of all the goodness was you. Slowly you turn to look at the other face and you see it’s God, it was your story all along. God was with you. In part 5 of this podinar series “Love Defined “ Bob and Nathan continue to unpack the radical love of God towards every human being, which includes you.

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About the Podcast

Loveshaped Life
See. Experience. Live.
We’re creating a movement of people who see God’s beauty with ever-increasing clarity, experience his presence with ever-deepening wonder and live everyday-lives of radical love, loving more like Him as the days go by. This is our podcast. For more, visit https://www.loveshaped.life/

About your host

Profile picture for Nathan Stearman

Nathan Stearman

A parish pastor for 20-years, Nathan loves Jesus, family and thinking deeply about life. In addition to being a spiritual wellness coach and cofounder of Loveshaped Life, he's also a part-time chaplain in health care.