Episode 2

Published on:

8th Jul 2024

Seven Principles for a Flourishing Life - Embracing Brokenness

In this episode of the Love Shaped Life Podcast, hosts Nathan and Bob continue their exploration of Jesus’ inaugural speech, focusing on the second principle for a flourishing life: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” They discuss how this principle relates to acknowledging one’s brokenness and opening up to God’s healing presence. The hosts emphasize that this process is not about wallowing in guilt or shame, but rather about experiencing the comfort and forgiveness that God offers.

The conversation delves into the parable of the prodigal son, using it as an illustration of God’s unconditional love and eagerness to welcome back those who turn to Him. Nathan and Bob highlight how this story challenges common misconceptions about God’s nature, presenting Him as a loving father rather than a harsh, punitive figure. They encourage listeners to embrace this true picture of God’s character, letting go of potentially toxic religious backgrounds.

Throughout the episode, the hosts stress the importance of confronting one’s own brokenness as a pathway to healing and transformation. They share personal experiences and insights, emphasizing that while the process of “mourning” can be challenging, it is essential for experiencing the flourishing life that Jesus promises. The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to lean into God’s love and embrace the principles Jesus teaches for a truly fulfilling life.


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About the Podcast

Loveshaped Life
See. Experience. Live.
We’re creating a movement of people who see God’s beauty with ever-increasing clarity, experience his presence with ever-deepening wonder and live everyday-lives of radical love, loving more like Him as the days go by. This is our podcast. For more, visit https://www.loveshaped.life/

About your host

Profile picture for Nathan Stearman

Nathan Stearman

A parish pastor for 20-years, Nathan loves Jesus, family and thinking deeply about life. In addition to being a spiritual wellness coach and cofounder of Loveshaped Life, he's also a part-time chaplain in health care.